Well, it's hard to believe, but this nearly-never-ending cruise will be finally over in less than 9 hours. I went to bed early this evening, but couldn't sleep (because of being too excited?), so I decided to get up in the middle of the night. It's actually in the morning in the East Coast time, so maybe it's a good idea. I need to adjust my time zone anyway, so that I can get back to my normal teaching duty more easily.
We took a group photo the other day. Most of people shown in the picture are from the science party (only one from the Langseth crew), so this is just half the population on this research vessel (actually I noticed a few members of the science party are missing here; they were probably sleeping). We usually work in different places at different shifts, doing our own duties, and we rarely get together like this. So this picture is great because it vividly testifies that a research cruise like ours is supported by so many hard-working people.

Though this cruise is going to end, we'll try to keep this blog active to post anything interesting we find during post-cruise data analysis or whatever we think it appropriate to post. We'll revisit Shatsky Rise in the spring of 2002, and you'll see posting from seas again.
The East-coasters missed a summer of unbearable heat (100s) with little rain. I'm sure you'll appreciate being back on land nonetheless. What an incredible job you all do. Thank you for sharing the particulars. Now I understand much better what my cousin does for a living.