-David Ng/Systems Analyst/Programmer

2. Favorite food/music/operating system
-Lobster/Rap and R&B/Ubuntu
3. You're stuck on a deserted island with only one person from this boat, who would you choose and why?

1. Name/Title
-Robert Steinhaus/Chief Science Officer

2. Favorite food/music/science
-Mac & Cheese/Classic Rock/ Marine Seismic
3. You're stuck on a deserted island with only one person from this boat, who would you choose and why?

1. Name/Title

-Sir David Martinson/Chief Navigation

2. Favorite food/music/port
-Steak/Jazz/Aberdeen, Scotland
3. You're stuck on a deserted island with only one person from this boat, who would you choose and why?

1. Na

-Bern McKiernan/Chief Acquisition

2. Favorite food/music/tool
-Animal/Mosh-pit music/Leatherman
3. You're stuck on a deserted island with only one person from this boat, who would you choose and why?

More to come next week!!!!!
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